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Extract from the Foreword in 

Social Ecology in Holistic Leadership

There are some books that MUST be written. This is due to its subject, content, and message, which are universal and relevant where groups of people focus on balanced holistic social and ecological development.


It is hard to imagine a more relevant, and timely concept. The author, Erik Lemcke has created a guide about a concept known as Social Ecology which provides a blueprint on how to merge these theories and practices.


Professor B.J. Lievegoed first introduced Social Ecology in the 1950s and it will be relevant 100 years from now.


One of the questions this book raises is: Are the leadership methodologies and tools used in society and business throughout these many decades the right ones to ensure a sustainable development of society and the business world in the coming decades? The book’s author – as is my assessment – is: No.


Focus today is mostly on the business owner’s/shareholder’s perspective. and on the stakeholders’ short-sighted and narrow economic interests, overlooking equally if not more important interests. It can’t continue. It’s not sustainable. We have to change course and it is urgent!


All over the world there is talk about the climate crisis, sustainability, the dramatic reduction in biological diversity and of many other serious challenges – and opportunities. This book about Social Ecology is a very important book and I welcome this book.


Extract from the foreword to the book by:

  Steen Hildebrandt, PhD

Professor Emeritus, Aarhus University, Denmark

Adjunct Professor, Copenhagen Business School

and Aalborg University, Denmark

Review by Chris Schaefer one of the founding  members of ASD 

Chris is also one of the founding members of the: The Centre for Social Development and SEA (Social Ecology Associates), UK in 1974.


Chris tells about his meeting with Bernard Lievegoed and his decision to change his residence from M.I.T in Massachusets to NPI in Holland.


Erik Lemcke’s new book is a wonderful update of the  original NPI material and gives the essential insights, methods, approaches and underlying principles and philosophical assumptions of Social Ecology.


Erik wrote this book not only to share his personal experiences working with the concepts and methods of Social Ecology, but because he felt that there was not a current summary of the rich legacy of insights accumulated by ASD consultants and their movement. “I am motivated to write this book because I sense that many of Social Ecology’s methodologies and insights are more valuable than ever before, but nevertheless are in danger of being forgotten.”


The book consciously links the approach to Social Ecology practiced by the members of the ASD to the spiritual legacy of Rudolf Steiner, the Austrian philosopher and spiritual teacher and the founder of Anthroposophy and Waldorf education. 


As the book is really a guide and workbook, rather than an in-depth presentation of particular perspectives and methods, it will be of most use to practicing consultants, trainers and facilitators who already have a wealth of experience from which to assess its value for their work.


Extract from Chris Schaefer’s Review:

         Christopher Schaefer

               Ph.D, Great Barrington, MA, USA


See Chris Schaefer's full review on the screen

Acknowledgement of 

Social Ecology in Holistic Leadership

“As humanity moves from the age of competition to the age of collaboration, many people are beginning to realize that we need a shift in worldview and a shift in consciousness if we are to survive and are to create a flourishing and sustainable world. This Guide provides the framework for this shift as well as the tools and skills needed to get individuals, systems and humanity from what doesn't work to what works for all.”

Judi Neal, Ph.D. CEO,

Edgewalkers International

​​“Deeply grounded in tried and tested theory, methods and social processes arising from action research, this guide is a handy yet profound resource for guiding organizational renewal, and for thriving in this age of disruption. It's a real work of insight and love.”​

Martin Large,

facilitator, author, Social Ecology (1981) and Common Wealth for a more free, equal, mutual and sustainable society (2010


“In his new book, gives facilitators, consultants, and trainers invaluable insights

and practical methods for healing social and organizational life. Clear, full of living images, theoretical perspectives, and helpful case studies, it is a treasure chest waiting to be discovered and unpacked. I highly recommend it.”

Christopher Schaefer, Ph.D.

facilitator, author of Vision in Action, Partnerships of Hope, and Re-Imaging America: Finding Hope in Difficult Times


“Few books bring the depth of knowledge about Personal, Organizational and Cultural Change than this one. This easy-to read book traces the roots of Social Ecology and gives numerous tools to create deeply effective consultation and organizational health. It is a must-read for senior practitioners and academicians in the field of social, personal, and organizational change.”

Marc A. Silverman,

Past President of International Organization Development Association

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